Nedim Nazerali and New Funk Artist Leonn came together to produce a NARTwork piece for Leonn's the record cover 'POWER'. Ned wanted to capture a strong image representing the 'Power of Unity' and a universally recognised 'Pumped Fist' hand sign represented this symbolically. Ned painted Leonn's hand with multicoloured camouflage accents to represent the power of unity. He then photographed his hand producing an impactful piece of art, capturing the spirit of humanity when we come together.
During the campaign, large murals were put up around the streets of London and Light Projections were displayed during Leonn's performances to bring an interactive experience for the audience whilst strengthening the sense of unity within our communities.
Following the success and positive response from his audience, Ned continues to produce Mural Art which he calls 'Positive Propaganda', painting and capturing different hand signs to explore societies feelings that have been arising during these turbulent times.